Devotional 9/29/22

29- September     Knock and Be Encouraged

John 16:13-15   When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me.

Christ dwells in each of us. The indwelling Spirit of God will lead us in the way we should go and will tell us everything we need to know to experience the fullness of life and joy that He desires for us. Our greatest encouragement comes from the realization that with the assistance of the Holy Spirit we cannot “miss it” as we search for a job.

If we listen we will hear from God and be led in the way of truth and abundant life. Be encouraged because He has promised that He will be found by those who diligently seek Him. Don’t wander in the dark any longer. Run to the Light!
• I have the power of the Holy Spirit in me and I am strengthened and guided by Him.
• By faith I receive my daily guidance, instructions and confidence from the Lord of my life.
• I thank God that I am led by the One who has already seen the future and made a great plan for me in it.