Devotional 8/30/22

30- August           Knock and Keep Knocking

2 Kings 5:14     So Naaman went down to the Jordan River and dipped himself seven times, as the man of God had instructed him. And his skin became as healthy as the skin of a young child’s, and he was healed!

Have you ever noticed God’s pattern of continuous and repetitive actions? Naaman dipped seven times in the river to be cleansed of leprosy, and the children of Israel circled Jericho repeatedly to take the walls down. God requires the walking of a specified path for a period of time in order to obtain the desired end results. So even if you think you’ve been around a mountain too many times, don’t quit. God is orchestrating things for your benefit.

Do you have a clear picture of your desired outcome? Can you see yourself happily and productively employed? Think about the people you’ll bless and the joy and peace that will come. Hold the image of yourself working with excellence, representing the Kingdom wherever you go. Keep that in your mind until it comes to pass. Don’t quit in your actions or your expectations of the promise. The victory will be well worth the price!

• I am not a quitter for my victory is assured.
• I receive the ability to stay the course with my focus on God’s promises.
• I search the Word of God and obey what I am directed to do.