Devotional 7/27/14

27- July         Knock and Overcome

Exodus 15:2   The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him—my father’s God, and I will exalt him!


Some mornings you might wake up and wonder if you’ll ever get another job. After a while it can seem that searching for a job just might become your new career. That’s when you need to remember what God has to say about the matter. According to this scripture, “He has given me the victory.” That isn’t just something God did for the writer. That is omething God does for all His children. Today dwell on these truths — you will overcome, you have the Lord to strengthen you, and your job search victory is assured. Picture  yourself walking into a great new job, and give praise to God. But don’t wait until it happens, praise and exalt Him now for the victory that is sure to come.

• I receive God as my strength and I sing praises to His name.
• By faith I receive victory in my job search and I know that I will overcome this challenge.
• I thank God that I will come out of this season of unemployment with a stronger faith and freedom from fear.