Devotional 7/22/14

22- July   Knock With Thanksgiving

Psalm 37:23   The Lord directs the steps of the godly.  He delights in every detail of their lives. (NLT)


God misses nothing about us and He is delighted with what He sees. But can the same be said about us? Do we look for all the details that reveal that God is actively involved in our lives? Do we delight in all that He does for us every day? Begin to actively search for the blessings in your life. Seek them in every experience and person you encounter. Notice how God is directing your steps, how He is arranging for provisions to flow to you, how He is setting up chance encounters and coincidences to help you in your job search. As you see His hand on your life, delight in Him and give thanks!

• I am a hunter of the blessings of God. I know He continuously cares for me.
• By faith I receive God’s love and His direction.
• I am so glad that God is delighted with the details of my life!