Devotional 4/7/23

7-April    Choose Your Pay

 1 Timothy 6:17   Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.

We should check ourselves periodically to make sure we haven’t become proud of our accomplishments and our possessions. We had so very little to do with acquiring them. (As in nothing to do with it, apart from God, if truth be told.) The lives we have, the talents we have, the minds we have, the bodies we have — these are all gifts from God.

We may have worked hard to earn things, but God made it all possible. Without His enablement we would have nothing. But the last part of this scripture is the best part. There are uncertain riches and certain riches. As God’s children our riches are certain! Our needs will be met and, beyond that, we will receive all things richly to enjoy. How many employers offer that?

• I claim the wealthy place that God created for me before the foundation of the earth.
• By faith I accept and expect everything God has promised me.
• God gives me all things richly to enjoy for I am His royal child.