Devotional 2/13/24

13-February       Ask About Your Gifts

Romans 12:6   We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. (NLT)

No other person can do what God has designed you to do. Each of us has been given different gifts by God’s grace. It doesn’t appear that there are any better gifts or lesser ones — they’re just different. So our goal isn’t to determine the value of our gifts or compare our gifts to those others have received. The point is to use our gifts!

What comes easy to
you? What do you thoroughly enjoy doing? What would you do with your life if you weren’t thinking about earning an income? Look to those answers to see what your gifts might be. Once you find them and the Spirit confirms what you discover, give the gifts that you alone can give to God’s Kingdom.

• I am gifted and I use my gifts to serve the Kingdom.
• By faith I receive understanding of my gifts and direction for their use so that God might be glorified.
• I am fearfully and wonderfully made to accomplish great things in God’s Kingdom.