Devotional 11/23/23

23- November       Knock With Confidence

Psalm 146:3    Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there.

It’s easy to say we have confidence in God but so very hard to walk that out. One minute we’re walking in faith and next moment we’re sure we need some manager to hire us and we have to have some specific job or else! We may start out believing that God will provide but panic when we find out that the support we expected from our church is not available.

We must stop looking for safety nets. Let’s acknowledge that we may not be able to see how He will sustain us but our lack of vision doesn’t limit His abilities. Do what this verse says; keep all your confidence in God. People are not and will never be your source or your supply. God is!


• I place my confidence in God alone.
• By faith I receive all that I can think or imagine through Christ.
• God has already done all that I need and I receive it in faith.