Suit Up!

I am listening and looking for battle strategies to protect the Church in this season as the hornet’s nest of the enemy forces are stirred up against us. I know that the name of the LORD is our strong tower and refuge, but what does that really mean and how do we get into that refuge? This is the question I have been pondering and what I have learned so far is that God is Love and Christ is perfect Love as well. We are hidden in Christ…we are hidden in Perfect Love.

As we convert that into a practical application, I believe we will discover this means we MUST drop every word, action, belief and thought that is contrary to love or we will crack open a place for the enemy to get in to destroy us. Let’s act on this.

As we pray our surrender prayers each day let’s ask God to remove absolutely every unloving thought, every bit of bitterness and unforgiveness, every bit of darkness within us and close every demonic entry point in our lives. We must not entertain any unloving thought towards any family member especially.

This is my prayer for all of us…and as we pray that the body will walk in greater love, let’s ask Holy Spirit to sanctify us and keep us in perfect love because LOVE NEVER FAILS us. It will be our perfect defense and victory strategy.