Devotional 6/11/23

11-June   Ask Expecting Results


1 John 5:715 And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for. (NLT)

I used to feel like some of my prayers never made it past the ceiling of my room. I had this idea that I had to send them all the way to a heaven somewhere far above me. Imagine my relief when I discovered that He was inside me and I could whisper right into His ear whenever I bowed my head.

Isn’t it great to know that He hears us, that He can’t possibly miss a word, because He lives in our hearts? Then the Word gives us an even more amazing promise — He will give us what we ask for! Let’s just make sure that our requests will bring glory to God and be aimed at the best He has to offer. That’s why it’s such a good idea to ask Him to be the author of our prayers.

• I am so glad that God hears my every prayer.
• By faith I trust that the Holy Spirit will direct my prayers for the highest good of all concerned.
• Knowing that God will grant my requests makes me careful to seek His will before I ask.