Devotional 2/18/24

18-February     Seek Divine Connections

Hebrews 13:2  Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!  (NLT)

Do you know how angels figure into God’s divine plan? Many of us were never even taught that they were real. But make no mistake, they do figure into the plan. When you read Psalm 91 you quickly see that God has given angels an assignment to protect us and to guard all our ways.

Psalm 103 tells us that they excel at doing the Word of God, so we must be in very good hands. They are just one more wonderful provision from the Lord and they are waiting to serve you.

• I believe the Word of God and ask that angels be released on my behalf.
• By faith I believe in the reality and truth of God’s Kingdom.
• I invite the care and ministrations of angels and accept their protection over all my ways as God assigns them.