Devotional 8/18/22

18-August     Seek Divine Connections

Proverbs 11:14    Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.


There is safety in a “multitude of counselors” but don’t make the mistake of running around to take a poll or collect votes about the way that you should go. This is not God’s way of leading us. Instead, seek Him. Ask the Holy Spirit for specific guidance. Praying in the Spirit will produce amazing results.

Then, when you think you have been given an answer, ask some trusted believers to pray about the issue with you. As a word of caution, don’t accept the advice of any person who quickly declares “There is no need to pray over this, I already know exactly what God will say,” especially if it differs from what the Spirit has spoken to you. Wait to see what counsel believers have for you AFTER they have sought the Lord on your behalf.

Be assured of this- the Holy Spirit never contradicts Himself. You will hear your confirmation or you will get a “check” that tells you to keep listening. There is no need to be rushed or to race to a decision. Trust God to provide just what you need and right when you need it.
• I know God will answer all my prayers and provide all the answers I need.
• By faith I receive wisdom for all my decisions.
• I receive the counsel of faithful believers to support and confirm my decision making process.