Devotional 4/20/23

20-April    Seek to Stay Focused on Jesus

Hebrews 12:2    We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. (NLT)

Jesus is the source of our faith, and the One who grows our faith to perfection and completion. The Holy Spirit that dwells in every born-again believer is the Spirit of Christ. But how do we keep our eyes on someone who isn’t here? Realize – He is here! The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Word that became flesh. He is still the Word so we can meet Him in the Bible. As He promised, His spirit has been poured out on us. We are closer to Jesus right now than many people were when He was on the earth. Let’s seek Him while He may be found, in the Word and in our hearts, that our faith might be perfected. We will need Him to make it through the job search as overcomers.
• I keep my eyes on Jesus and my faith grows strong.
• I receive the work of Christ in me to perfect my faith.
• I thank God that He will never stop working on me until I look like Jesus.