Devotional 4/16/23

16-April     Seek Self Awareness

1 Timothy 6:10    For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows

As we turn our thoughts to self-awareness, it’s a good idea to examine our motives… are they set on anything other than God’s priorities? Are you thinking you’ll be glad when you’re back to work because you won’t need God so much? Are you like many of us who only seek God diligently when we’re in a crisis? Would a nice job with a fat paycheck mean you wouldn’t have to spend so much time praying and seeking God? Be honest. Who really occupies the throne in your heart? If it’s someone or something other than God and His will, repent and ask God to help you make and keep Him the center of your life from this moment on.

• I turn my entire life over to God again and ask Him to be my only King.
• By faith I receive God’s priorities and will for my life, and I trust Him to lead me in the way I should go.
• I will to will the will of God.