Devotional 3/28/23

28- March      Knock and Faint Not!

Luke 12:32  “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness  to give you the Kingdom.” (NLT)  

The scriptures refer to us continually as “sheep.” At first I didn’t care for that comparison. There’s nothing appealing about smelly, stupid followers. But there’s no more powerful or enduring image than a loving shepherd keeping watch over his well-cared-for flock. It might serve us “sheep” well to know a few things. One: we’re in a war zone and we can’t see the enemy. Two: we don’t have His understanding of the situation. Three: compared to the supernatural power made available to us by Christ, our worldly skills and abilities are nothing.

So now I know — being a sheep is fine, just as long as we stay very close to the Good Shepherd who is vigilant over us. Don’t forget that for even one moment of your job search.

• I believe that it gives God happiness to bless me with every good thing.
• I refuse to receive a spirit of fear. I recognize fear as a strategy of the enemy and I rebuke it.
• By faith I receive the blessing of Abraham because Jesus bought it for me at Calvary.