Devotional 2/22/24

22- February      Knock With Thanksgiving

Philippians 4:6  Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. (NLT)


For many of us the idea of praying about all the good things that happen in the day is a new one. We tend to take good things for granted. They may even go by unnoticed. But we’re quick to cry “foul” if something happens that we don’t like. How about trying an experiment? Spend one whole day thanking God for every good thing big and small.

Just reverse the habit of a quick thank-you and a long laundry list of needs and disappointments. Instead, spend all your time thanking God for all he has already done, with a quick mention of the needs you’re still waiting on in faith. As we cultivate an attitude of gratitude the entire world will seem lighter and brighter. We may even realize how wonderful our lives are despite the challenges.

• I am so thankful for the gift of eternal life and freedom from sin.
• By faith I believe that my needs are met according to God’s riches.
• I thank God for Jesus, the most precious gift of love that the world has ever received.