Devotional 1/31/24

31- January   Knock and Be At Peace
 Proverbs 1:33  But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm.

The Lord has gifts in mind for believers who are going through the experience of unemployment and job search. He wants to permanently change your life for the better.  One of His key objectives is to give His children continuous and unshakable peace. Not just peace during the time of unemployment but for the rest of our lives. If we can experience His peace during a job search when everything looks shaky and out of control, it is not hard to imagine that we will be able to stay in peace for the rest of our lives, right?

Where will peace like this come from? How can we experience peace in these uncertain and chaotic times? His Word says that we have to listen to Him. We have to hear His word and pay attention to only what He tells us. Isn’t peace worth the effort to do that?

• I have unshakable peace.
• I listen to God because He is my Shepherd and my Lord.
• I will not be harmed, I am safe and at peace in God’s hands.